This Friday’s tête-à-tête introduces you to Matt Bower. I am
continually amazed by the wealth of experience and advice offered by the
authors interviewed here. So let’s say hello and get to know more about
1. Please provide a brief synopsis of your book.
Save Me, Rip Orion
is a novel I’d categorized as a work of literary fiction and
satire. An abandoned house is set aflame. Roscoe stumbles upon evidence
that reveals the arsonist’s next target. Evoking his childhood icon,
the mighty Rip Orion, Roscoe decides to become the real life version of
the superhero and apprehend the pyromaniac. However, the fantasy rapidly
unravels when events don’t unfold in classic comic book fashion. To
save the world, Roscoe must play the role of villain.
Click cover to purchase via Amazon.
However, SMRO is not a typical hero versus villain tale. As the plot
unfolds, the classic superhero origin story deconstructs until the line
separating the heroes and the villains blurs. Capes and cowls become
silly props, and prayers for a savior to swoop from the heavens go
unheeded. As the cliché goes, “Good guys wear white, and bad guys wear
black.” Not so. Everyone wears grey, and superheroes only exist in comic
2. Tell us a little bit about what motivates or inspires your writing.
Writing has always been means to point out what I consider judgment
lapses and/or idiosyncrasies that define us all as members of the human
race. From the comedy sketches I have written to
Save Me, Rip Orion,
I want the audience member or reader to think, “Man, we humans sure can
be knuckleheads.” For instance, one comedy sketch I wrote concerned two
people visiting a grave; one visitor was the deceased man’s daughter
and the other was his college fraternity brother. Each took turns
recalling their time spent with the departed; the daughter recalls when
her father let her cry on his shoulder after a tricycle accident, but
the frat bro recalled the time his dead buddy dipped his testicles in
the piranha tank. The sketch got laughs but I was more proud of pointing
of how perspective can mean so much.

Ultimately, aren’t all authors trying to say something about the
human condition? I understand that I am far from unique in that respect.
3. It’s hard to pick just one, but what do you consider your favorite novel and why?
Yes, picking just one novel as a favorite is quite difficult. I’ve
never really considered one novel my favorite. Since I’m on the spot,
I’ll go with
Slaughterhouse-Five, mostly because I finished it
recently and it’s fresh in my mind. I enjoy satires and this one is
fantastic. Stories that generally shame the general population rank high
on my list. Vonnegut makes you laugh, but feel uneasy about it at the
same time. That’s not easy to too.
4. What is the name of your blog and what can readers expect to find there?
My blog is entitled
Crooked Lullabies. I
must mention that a song by the same name exists, by a musician named
Megan Landry. I discovered this unfortunate coincidence recently and by
Generally, Crooked Lullabies is simply a dumping ground for my ideas.
Many of the pieces are relatively polished essays, while other bits are
short and silly. For instance, one recent post contains my opinions on
topical issues such as gay marriage and immigration, but another post is
a scouting report on Jabba the Hutt’s goal-tending skills. Obviously,
no common thread exists from post to post.
5. Are you traditionally published or self-published?
Save Me, Rip Orion is self-published. When I began writing
the novel three years ago I planned to publish the traditional route. By
time I had begun my fourth draft of the novel my focus was solely on
publishing the manuscript independently on e-publishing platforms. I had
no desire to stress over writing the perfect query letter, or a five
page synopsis. I didn’t want to wait for weeks to hear back from an
agent or publisher, and likely receive a boilerplate rejection notice.
The e-publishing world is very kind (perhaps too kind) to independent
authors. Social media has exploded. The brick and mortar stores are
crumbling. Theoretically, a self-published book has the same opportunity
to reach readers as a traditional published book.
I hired an editor to format the text to be compatible with e-reader
platforms. I also badgered my wife until she kindly employed her
Photoshop skills to create the cover art for SMRO. How convenient is
6. Can you offer one or two helpful tips for fellow writers when it comes to marketing and publicity?
Marketing is an aspect of self-publishing that I’m still learning. My
advice would be the same advice you’d read a million times over if you
did an internet search for “advertising a self-published book.” Simple
as it sounds, posting updates on Facebook is a good idea. I have
submitted SMRO to various book blogs for review. Also, inquire if book
blogs would be willing to sponsor a guest blog.
Although some authors consider Amazon to be the pusher man of the
e-publishing realm, submitting your novel to the Kindle Direct
Publishing Select program might be your most gainful option. The KDP
Select program allows 5 days of free giveaways every 90 days. The more
books you give away, the more the book becomes visible. Amazon owns such
a large share of the market that being noticeable on the site is
7. Describe your writing background.
My writing background extends back to my pre-K years. I recall
drawing pictures in crayon and then dictating to my grandfather what
words to write underneath the crude drawings. Eventually, I was able to
write the words myself and soon enough I was creating sequels to my
favorite movies. Eventually I wised-up enough to write my stories on a
buddy’s computer so that I could print multiple copies. I sold them for
50 cents a pop during recess. I used the money to buy leftover snacks at
Of course, the writing bug followed me throughout my high school
years, and then I majored in English with a concentration in Writing at
Lock Haven University.
Several courses in poetry (blah!), playwriting, and fiction writing
were required. Shortly after college, I wrote a full-length play
If Leopold Could Talk, which placed as a finalist in the New Century Writer playwriting competition.
Since graduating in from LHU in 2001, I have committed much of my
free time to being a member of several comedy troupes, but most notably a
professional troupe called
The Cellar Dwellers based in the Pittsburgh area. I have written a handful of sketches which had been performed.
8. What does your drafting and/or editing process entail?
I wrote four drafts, front to back, of SMRO. I maintained the same
strict habits while writing each of these drafts: I would write for a
bit over two hours, and then go back and edit what I had just written.
After each draft was completed, I would re-read the entire manuscript
and tighten up the dialogue, cut out the fat, etc. Of course, writing
four drafts was a part of the editing process, too. Meanwhile, I had a
few friends read the drafts and provide a few suggestions. I also joined
a writing group. I admit that I’m not sure this option is for all
authors. Although I participated in about eight meetings, only one of
those meetings was spent discussing my work. Yes, I did get some helpful
comments but I also spent several hours focusing on works beside my
own. A participant in a writing group also must be able to decide which
criticism to consider and which to leave.
Finally, after I re-read the fourth and final version of my novel, I
hired an editor to proofread, aid the prose, and provide both small and
big picture suggestions.
9. What future projects can we look forward to?
I don’t know. I look back at the last three years of my life and
consider how many hours of work I committed to SMRO, be it
brainstorming, outlining, or actually writing and editing the novel. I
have a newborn now and I’m not sure if I can sacrifice the time to
complete another full-length novel anytime soon. The most invaluable
lesson I learned, albeit accidentally, is that writing a novel requires
tons of work and patience. I will continue to update Crooked Lullabies,
no doubt. Right now my main focus is learning to be a father, and
cleaning up drool.
10. Is there anything else you want your potential readers to know?
First and foremost I would like to thank you for the opportunity to
be interviewed. Feel free to check out my links listed below.
You can connect with Matt Bower on his
blog or
Save Me, Rip Orion is available for Kindle from
Amazon US and
Amazon UK.