

Thursday, November 10, 2016

All Thanks To Trump '16

Under the smoldering rubble of Election '16 stirs a unique opportunity for liberals.

Bernie was a missed connection to be the torch bearer of a groundbreaking liberal movement, the next logical step left of Obama. He likely would've won the general election had he been the Democratic nominee. He was partially, perhaps sinisterly, undercut by Clinton and the establishment.

Clinton is part of the Democratic old guard. One could argue she is guilty by association considering a few of hubby Bill's undesirable policies of the 90's-repealing Glass-Steagall, for instance.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with the quasi-Republican Bernie doppelgänger, Trump: the festering scrotum-pole who appears behind you if you say "Bigly Mc'Pussgrabber" in the Washington Monument reflecting pool three times. And he'll haunt the living for at least four years. In the meantime, hide behind a stack of science books and don't breathe the air.

However, the forthcoming godforsaken four years will indeed be a disguised opportunity that may not have existed had Clinton won the presidency.

It's time to re-evaluate the Democratic old guard. Jettison the dead weight into the sea and allow the resulting water displacement to lift the liberal frigate higher. Okay, now squint. See the shores of mainland Democratic Socialism, and the Colossus of Sanders erected near the dock. Huzzah!

Believe you me, from the aforementioned smoldering rubble a new liberal movement will arise, and several little Bernies-men/women, black/white/Hispanic, puffy tuft of white hair/no puffy white tuft of hair-will lead the way. One will outpace the others to tangle with Trump, or whoever has replaced him after the infamous Yuge Nuclear Oopsy of '19, at the next presidential election. And the Electoral College AND popular vote will favor the Democratic challenger. Liberals will dance to the death rattle of their enemies. And with minorities and young educated folk an increasing sector of society, this dance won't go out of style.

All thanks to Trump '16.

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